About Us

About us 

About us
MIr quadeer sultan

I mir Quadeer sultan Chisti Quadri founder of www.auliadeccan.com and Muntakhab Sajjada nasheen/naib Muthawali Dargha syed shah Huzurullah saif ul Haq RH and syed shah Sadar Uddin Mohammed RH Qutbiguda Hyderabad india.

Born and Brought up in the well-known Sufi family of Hyderabad Deccan. Practicing the teachings and spreading the divine knowledge of our spiritual masters.

Many Qutub shah and nizam shahi rulers were disciples of our spiritual masters.

We have started collecting informative history of spiritual masters from Deccan first.

And then we will move on to the other parts of India and collect the same.

Translation of Persian books and Urdu into English to benefit the people of the 21st Century. And for those who couldn’t read Persian language or Urdu languages.

Aulia Deccan Sincere efforts to share the blessing of spiritual leaders.

Contact us : auliadeccan@gmail.com