Hazrat Naib Rasool syed khaja rahmatullah Powerful Master 0

Hazrat syed khaja rahmatullah Great naib rasool rahamatabad

Naib rasool
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Hazrat Naib Rasool’s father Hazrat Khaja RH was also a highly educated and pious man. He was well-known for his kindness and generosity, and was a great spiritual leader. He was also a successful businessman who provided a comfortable life for his family.

Hazrat Naib Rasool RH was born at Belgaum District in Bijapur, India.

Hazrat naib Rasool lost his mother as a child. Hazrat khaja Alam then married another woman, but she wasn’t able to take care of Hazrat khaja Rahmatullah well. So khaja Rahmatullah took permission to leave Bijapur for Kurnool and settled in a Kurnool village.

Hazrat Naib Rasool is a disciple and caliph to Hazrat Syed Ali bijapuri.

Hazrat was married to hazratha Syeda habeeba khatoon. She is a famous amma Jaan & Maji Sahiba.

Live miracles

Although the Sheikh died 239 years ago, 239 years later, his miracles, favors, and blessings have been available in the shrine for 239 more years. The shrine area is a place where visitors can experience the fulfillment of their desires. For those who are in need, this shrine is the ideal location to fulfill their needs. Visitors will travel from far and near to the shrine in large numbers to fulfill their wishes and desires for Shaikh. His spiritual court is very kind and well-known for the following diseases and issues in India and around the world.

  1. All diseases
  2. Evil spirits.

Rahmatabad is the location of the Hazrat shrine.

His love and favor are therefore equal to those in his court. He prays for the healing of all his ailments and other hardships.

He is buried in Rahamatabad. It is famous for fulfilling the wishes and desires of those who visit it.

Special miracle

This area is known for its name, Rahmatabad. There are no pigs or other worship sites. All people, regardless of caste or creed, can recognize him as a great Saint and offer their offerings 24 hours a day.

Great miracle

It is a known fact that Allah’s holy, pious and righteous personalities can perform miracles. The holy and righteous who have lived their lives for Allah and His prophets. Sufi will carry their name and fame until the day of judgment.

The soil from their mausoleums will become the spring of Faizan, which is a blessing. There will also be a rainstorm of Anwar (light), and tajilat (“divine light”) every day. My master’s greatest miracle is the fact that people from all walks of life will gather at shrines to pray and receive healing and fulfill their desires and wishes.

People have watched the miracles of Sheikh for many years. The Sheikh’s miracles will be witnessed by many until the day of judgment. However, the shrine has a large number of devotees. It still has millions of devotees from all walks of life who gather there to pray for their health and fulfill their desires.

Learned people and religious leaders from many places visited the shrine. It is not a mistake to say that the shrine attracts many visitors other than Muslims. They will also garland the mausoleum with flowers and pay respect and honor there.

Hazrat left the universe in the month according to the Islamic rabi awwal Islamic Calendar.

The Urs of Hazrat khaja Rahmatullah are celebrated each year.

Maji Sahiba’s Urs of amma Jaan is also celebrated during the month of Rabi Awwal.

Every month, Lakhs come to this place to seek the blessings from Hazrat khaja Rahmatullah (RH)

Many miracles can be attributed to Hazrat ammajan or khaja Rahmatullah naib e Rasool rh.

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Book for your reference 
1. Mahboob uz ziman tazkira aulia deccan part 1
2. Behr e Rehmat