Shah Abul Hasan Haider sani Rh Miracle Master1

Syed shah abul hasan haider sani

abul hasan haider sani Bidar
photo by quadeer
You are a great scholar. Faiz Iradat and the Caliphate of Chishtiyya, he inherited his father Shah
min ullah hussaini .
Your achievements are well known. It is said that one day you were engaged in writing. Suddenly a lizard called out. You also made a sound. So when he called again, you shook something on the ground. When he called for the third time, he hit him with a piece of wood in anger and said: Quiet. So it is known that from that day till today the voice of the lizard was not heard in Har.
You are called  Hyder sani (abul hasan haider sani) because of the abundance of children. Your shrine is in Bidar.
your One of the son Hazrat syed shah ali abbas hussaini rh shirne is in hussaini alam hyderabad.
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