Hazrat Qazi Sanaullah Panipati Amazing master 1

Qazi Sanaullah Panipati

Qazi sanaullah panopati
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You are from the late Naqshbandiyya Mujadadiyya. He was the follower and caliph of Hazrat Mirza Jan Janan Shaheed. Your lineage goes back to Hazrat Makhdoom Jalaluddin Panipati through several lines. You had perfection in occult knowledge.
There was a prominent time in the inner sciences, a single age, a comprehensive Shariat and Tariqat, and knowledge of reality and knowledge. Tafsir al-Muzhari, Mala bad minh, Irshad al-Salkeen, Tazkira al-Muti, etc.
Hazrat qazi sanaullah was a devotee of Sheikh Muhammad Abid Naqshbandi in his early life. Then Barshara came to the service of Murshid Mirza. In fifty attentions you have finished the walk. It is said that at the age of eighteen you had acquired all the external sciences. Then publishing with inner caliphate
Religion and Faiz became engaged in the interior. Mirza Sahib Shaheed gave you the title of Ilm-ul-Hadi. The late Mirza Sahib used to say that if God Almighty will ask me in Mahshar what gift you have brought to my court, then I will say that Maulvi Sanaullah. Maulana Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi had given him the title of Baihaqi Zaman.
He passed away in 1216 AH. He is buried in Panipat. [Anwar Ahmadiyya]
more details can be found on risala qazi sanaullah panipati rh
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