Syed Shah Salar Ghazi

Hazrat salar ghazi were Rahmatullah Alaih Alvi Saadat, your name is famous all over the world and why not, when you traveled to India for the preaching of religion, in those days perhaps a Muslim was found somewhere here. You were the commander of the army of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi of Ghazni and later he also married his sister Satre Mualla to you.
Sayesh Shohda Phil Hind
Your name Rahmatullah Alaih has also been recorded in the golden words of history because Syedush Shohada Phil Hind Hazrat Syed Salar Masood Ghazi Rahmatullah Alaih was your own prince, dear ones, sacrifice yourself, Dada Sahu Salar Rahmatullah Alaih’s caste is yours only. Thanks to this, religion spread in India at a time when there were nominal Muslims here.
Your Shajra-e-Nasab goes through Mohammad bin Hanafia Raziallahu Taala Anhu to Maulaye Qainaat Hazrat Ali Karamallahu Wazaul Kareem.
your shajra e nasab is something like this
Syed Sahu Salar Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Ataullah Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Tahir Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Tayyab Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Mohammad Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Saif Malik Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Asif Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syed Shah Abdul Mannan Ghazi Alaihirrahma Syedna Muhammad bin Hanafia Raziallahu Ta’ala Anhu Syedna Maula Ali Karmallahu Wazaul Kareem.
So in this way you are the child of Maulay Qainaat, your Aastana Aaliya is present in Satrikh, district Barabanki of UP, where thousands of devotees attend. Your sacrifices given are sure enough to mention you till doomsday. Masood Ghazi Alaihirrahma was born, you were blessed with the highest status of Bilyakin Tasawwuf. Your Faizan will continue to give prosperity to the people of the country.
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