Hazrat Watan saheb qibla Rh Great Miracles Master 1 chisti chaman

Hazrat Watan saheb qibla Rh (chisti chaman) Mangalhat 

Hazrat Watan saheb qibla Rh (chisti chaman) Mangalhat
by quadeer

Hazrat watan saheb name Iftikhar Ali Shah was born in Hyderabad. Hazrat, A caliph of Hazrat sayyid Akbar Ali shah Hussaini Chisti. The Dargha located in the mangalhat Chisti Chaman area.

Safar dar Watan, ‘Journey in the Homeland’ 1295/1875, is the most important of all these works. But, Subh-i Safar was also a companion volume titled ‘Morning of the Journey’.

A malfuzat collection spoken teachings recorded during Subh-i Watan’s lifetime and published later as Irshadat-i Watan.

This text contains the most comprehensive range of Watan’s views on Islam. It also includes a series of 100 and six ‘directives’ that aimed at Sufi novices.

The beginner instructed in such basics as the esoteric meaning of faqir. Sufis were more known in India: the letter fe indicated poverty (faqah), satisfaction (qanat), remembrance of God.

His teachings had one common characteristic: he explained the hidden meanings of the terms Sufi and Faqlr in many different ways. Each case made the point that only those who own all these qualities qualified to called Sufi or faqlr.

Watan was like many other theorists. He wanted to create a system that could classify different types of Sufis as either wayfarers.

Each type would then characterized by the best qualities.

But, the most prominent aspect of Watan’s prose writing was the central role of the relationship between the Sufis and the Shariah.

The spiritual masters never encourage anyone to change their religion. They are above all religions. They only see the theme of humanism, which is the foundation of all religions.

Hazrat watan saheb has written many books.

  1. Deewan e Watan
  2. Safar dar e watan

Annual Urs of Hazrat watan saheb celebrated every year.

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