Hazrat Nasiruddin Chirag Dehlavi True Master 1

Shaikh Naseeruddin Chirag Dehlavi

 khwaja Nasiruddin Mehmood Chirag
Photo from google maps

you are the greatest and most famous caliph of Sultanji and after him you became the governor of Delhi. Hazrat nasiruddin chirag dehlavi used to follow the Shaykh a lot and was bound by Sharia and Sunnah, so once his elder brothers held a Majlis-e-Sama’ and started listening to music with the tambourine, he said that it is against the Sunnah.

The friends said that you denied hearing and went away from the Monday evening meal, so he said that this cannot be a proof. Bring evidence from Quran and Hadith. Some people heard this and conveyed it to Sultanji that Sheikh Mahmood said so, Sultanji knew the truth of the matter. He said that whatever he says is the truth. Once a person came and said when is it permissible to sing psalms and dance sufis? So he said that psalms are not permissible according to the public scholars.

First of all, there is a difference in hearing itself, and according to the scholars, there are some conditions that are permissible for its people. But psalms are forbidden according to the public scholars, your greatness and excellence is evident from the fact that you roamed the worlds of Makhdoom Jahani who had the blessing of fourteen families. While in Makkah, at that time, despite the fact that many saints were in Delhi, Imam Abdullah Yafi told Makhdoom Jahanian that at that time Naseeruddin Mahmud was in Delhi.

It was like a person entered your room and inflicted eleven wounds on you and you did not know. When he came out of the room bleeding, the martyrs came to know and went inside and caught the person and wanted to punish him, but he forbade him and gave him a large reward so that he would not suffer when I beat him. Two years after this incident, he died on 18 Ramadan 757 Hijri according to 1356 AD. Mazar Aapka Mauza Chirag is famous in Delhi.

Annual urs of hazrat chirag delhi celebrated on a large scale. Lakhs of people visited and take part in the urs celebrations.

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Books for your Reference 

  1. tazkira aulia deccan
  2. hadiqa rehmani
  3. mishkat un nabuwah