Hazrat Burhanuddin gharib was a disciple and caliph to Hazrat Nizamuddin, aulia Sultan Mashaikh Delhi. Hazrat was born in Hansi and moved to Delhi.
Hazrat was Burhanuddin Gahrib’s name. Hazrat rests in Khudabad Sharif. Hazrat is one of the most pious Aurangabad personalities. Hazrat’s name has been referred to as BurhanUddin Gharib. Hazrat had strong connections to 2 clan records.
Hazrat’s lineage is dated back to the eleventh century with Muslim Abu Hanifa. Within the twenty-first century, he was connected to Allah’s last apostle. Hazrat was a pledge for Khaja Nizam Uddin Aluliya, and he received the divine dress. Hazrat is a devotee of holy personalities in the past.
Hazrat Burhanuddin Uddin Zari Zari Baksh was one of Hazrat’s elder brothers. Thus, Khuldabad was referred to by his shrine as a gigantic shrine.
According to his religious master’s instructions, he arrived in Khuldabad via Old Delhi at the end of Hazrat MountaqabUddin.
Hazrat’s father is Hazrat Arab chief Mahound and his mother is Hazratha Bibir Hejira. His remains are buried in the western-northern corner of the compound. Hazrat Arab chief Mahmood was the father of five daughters and four sons. Burhan Uddin, his elder son, was one of his older brothers.
Hazrat Burhanuddin Gharib was interested in alchemy and was looking for a well-known Arab chief to help him. He set out on his quest to find alchemy and eventually reached Old Delhi. At that point, he lived in the most miserable conditions of his life.
He was a very learned elder and had reached the extreme level in the matter of hearing. The nobles of that time, Amir Khusrau and Amir Hassan and other cheerful gentlemen were the amirs of his love. If he was brought, he would stay at his own house. He had a very firm belief in his feet. He did not turn his back towards Ghiyaspur throughout his life. Incidentally, Khwaja Mubashir, who was an old servant of Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya, he and Syed Hussain and Syed Khamush consulted among themselves that Sheikh Burhanuddin Gharib was an ancient and old follower of our Sheikh Khwaja Nizamuddin. Among all the people, there are prominent and high-minded people, they should be requested to the Shaykh to give them the caliphate. So, after mutual consultation, all these people went to the service of the Shaykh and requested that Burhanuddin, who is his old follower, is a candidate for Papushi and Nawazish. Meanwhile, Burban-ud-din also came to this assembly, after which Iqbal Khadim presented the noopi and kharkah that Khwaja Nizam-ud-din had given him. These people dressed Burhanuddin Gharib and said that he is also the caliph. Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya watched all this but remained silent and their silence was actually consent.
It is narrated that once Khwaja Nizamuddin got angry with Burhanuddin, the details of which is that Sheikh Burhanuddin was very old and physically very weak and thin, so he folded his blanket. Tell him and put him down in his house Pramiya Zanbili and Malik Nusrat, who were among the relatives of Sultan Alauddin Khilji and who had entered Khwaja Nizamuddin’s circle and became chiefs, used to sit there. They described this seat of Burhanuddin Gharib to Khwaja Nizamuddin as follows That he has now started prostrating himself and makes his seat like the feet and the mashaikhs, Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya was very sad to hear this and when Burhanuddin appeared in the service of Khwaja Sahib, he did not speak to him. When the Majlis was dismissed, Burhanuddin went to the congregation hall. After a while, Iqbal Khadim said to the Sheikh that the Sheikh has given an order for you to leave here immediately. And the mourners and mourners sat like in their homes, so the people of the city used to come to see his plight. The sheikh looked up and saw this scene in front of him, he said, O Turk, what is the matter? After hearing that I am asking for the forgiveness of Burhan-ud-Din’s crime, he smiled and said, “Call him where he is.” After that, both Maulana and Amir Khusrau came to the Shaykh’s service with turbans around their necks. Burhanuddin again pledged allegiance and after the death of his Sheikh, Maulana Burhanuddin also lived for a few years and took allegiance from the people and then went to Devgir and sacrificed his life there. His grave is also there and the city of Burhanpur is famous and inhabited by his name. The people there were very devoted to him. May Allah shower his mercy on him.
A focus of Hazrat Uddin Uddin Aliya’s general intake material and his public area were well-known all over the world,
The globe, when Hazrat burhanuddin Gharib discovered about the events of Sheikh’s perfection & general favor, then Hazrat willt to assume during the matter that on the faith of Allah it’s impossible for such nice ingestion consumer products for poor persons and even kings.
It’s impossible to imagine, even though it isn’t alchemy or an invisible hand. Hazrat was not far-famed to learn that Sheikh’s tongue can perform alchemy and thus the ingestion material was due to the compassion and beauty Allah.
Anyone who is going to be entering in an exceedingly
During this process, in search of his interest alchemy, he was led to the shrine of Hazrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya.
Hazrat left this universe in the month Safar ( Islamic Calendar).
He was followed by many who performed his worship and sought advice from him. Butterflies and insects are naturally drawn to flowers that bloom and spread their aroma.
Every year, the Annual Urs of Hazrat Burhanuddin Gharib is celebrated.