Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi Genius master 1

Hazrat shah waliullah muhaddith dehlavi

shah waliullah
photo credit https://faakhirislamic.wordpress.com/

Hazrat shah waliullah was born on February 21, 1703 in Delhi when Aurangzeb’s reign was coming to an end He came from Ahla Sunnat wal Jamaat.

His full name is Shah Waliullah Qutbuddin Ahmad but his name is better known as shah Waliullah. it was given out of goodness and piety. He was an Islamic scholar and reformer who came from the Quraish tribe of Arabia and his genealogy can be traced back to the second caliph

Hazrat Shah waliullah are in the category of great scholars and nobles. Hazrat had a high rank in knowledge, grace and piety. You are Maulana Shah Abdul Rahim’s son, disciple, caliph and successor. You were 16 years old when your father died. All his life, like his father, he taught and taught.

Shah Waliullah received his education at Madrasa Rahimiyya. His father was his teacher and source of spiritual guidance. He is a writer. He started his studies at the age of five and finished the Quran by the age of seven. After that, he started learning Persian and Arabic which was completed within a year. Then he studied the grammar and syntax of Persian and Arabic. He graduated in philosophy and theology at the age of fifteen and began his studies in mantiq, fiqh, hadith, tibb, algebra, mathematics, kalam, spirituality, mysticism, oratory, and metaphysics under the guidance of his father him.

Hazrat shah waliullah wrote strange books, he had the power of ijtihad in his nature, he created strange points, he was accepted as a Muslim teacher. And all the pros and cons started getting your certificate. He went to Hajj Baitullah and was in love with the scholars there. Shaykh Abu Tahir Madani Quds-Sara and other famous Arab scholars obtained evidences of hadith and wore the robe of caliphate from the elders. Later, during the era of Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlavi, Hadith was promoted by him.

Hazrats work can be divided into six. The first one talks about the quran. It includes his translation of the Quran into Persian. According to him, what is taught in the Quran is to change human nature and correct wrong beliefs and harmful practices.

The second part deals with hadiths, for which he left many works such as commentary on Mu’atta Imam Malik in Arabic and Persian. Shah Waliullah also wrote many hadith books and pamphlets.

The third section deals with fiqh or Islamic law, which includes lnsaaf fi Bayaan-e-Sahoobul Ikhtilaf, a brief and informative account of Islamic law in the five centuries before his life.

The fourth section deals with mysteries.

The fifth category is related to his work on Muslim philosophy and kalaam. He also wrote a pamphlet on the principles of ijtihad (personal interpretation) and taqlid (conformity). In his principle of ijtihad, he explains whether it is necessary for a Muslim to follow one of the four schools of Islamic law or he must make his own decision. Shah Waliullah’s greatest work is Hujjatullahil Baligha, which deals with those aspects of Islam that are prevalent in Muslim countries.

The sixth chapter deals with his role in the conflict between the Shiites and the Sunnis. His views on economics and socialism are revolutionary in nature. The plight of the Indian Muslims inspired him to improve their character, uplift their spirit and instill in them a sense of selflessness and love for their fellow men. He took control of the educational system and separated the faith and traditions from the illegitimate and unfounded and negative suspicions about Islam. He brought to the people what he considered to be pure Islam.

People from all over India came to read it and the old hearty hadith became. Muhammad Shah Badshah invited you to Shahjahanabad and promised to stay in the house. Since you started living here. At the age of 62, Buzmana Shah Alam II died in 17 AH 1762 and was buried with his father. Maulana Shah Muhammad Ashiq and Maulana Khawaja Aminullah were among his caliphs. Hazrat shah waliullah Tafsir Fathur Rahman is famous and during this time a book, Hajjatullah al-Baligah Dar al-Uloom, was selected and accepted for teaching in Misr.

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