Hazrat Sheikh Saaduddin Khairabadi Great master 1

Hazrat Sheikh Saaduddin Khairabadi 

Saaduddin Khairabadi
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Hazrat sheikh saaduddin khairabadi was a follower of Shaykh Mina (may God bless him and grant him peace) and had great courage in protecting the limits of Shariat and taking care of morals. He lived a secluded life apart from the world.
Hazrat saaduddin Khairabadi was a scholar of Tariqat and he has also written some books in syntax, jurisprudence and principles, such as (1) Shareh Misbah, (2) Shareh Kafiyyah (3) Shareh Hami (4) Shareh Bazdwi etc., (5) Risalah Muqiya. Sharh Majma al-Suluk, written in the style of Khazana Jalali, in which Makhdoom Jahanian’s records have been collected and many records and circumstances of Sheikh Mina have been recorded. When he mentions the Sheikh, he says: My Shaykh’s Shaykh said this, so he means Shaykh Qawamuddin Lakhnavi. Shaykh Saad-ud-Din learned and imparted the knowledge of external sciences from Maulana Azam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who was a great jurist and scholar after his time.
Hazrat saaduddin khairabadi asked the sheikh that the purpose is to serve you and that the purpose of reading is the correct words, so now that has been done, what is the use of staying with the clerics? Do not be deceived and rely on your knowledge. People used to become devotees because of him, like Shaykh Safiuddin, who is the present-day
Sheikh Mubarak Sandelvi, who was perfect in Shari’ah rules and manners and had also received training from Sheikh Salar, died in Hijri, and was a resident of Syed Safiuddin Anbala, who was described as a dervish and the same. He was a disciple of Shaykh Mubarak Sandelvi and one of the disciples of Shaykh Saad al-Din was Shaykh Allah Daya, who was very old and elderly. And he was distinguished with honor and respect, many blessings appeared from him and he was taken from this impermanent world to the eternal world in 493 Hijri, may Allah shower his blessings on all of them.
Annual urs ceremony is celebrated every year.
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Books for your reference 
1. Zikr-e-Saad
2. Akhbar ul akhyar
3. Tazkira Aulia hind