Hazrat Haji Waris Ali Shah Dewa sharif

Hazrat Haji Waris Ali Shah is Qudwat-ul-Salkeen, Zubdat-ul-Arifin, the line of succession began with him.
Family Circumstances: Hazrat waris ali shah family elders were from Nishapur. He left Nishapur and came to India. Father: Your father’s name is Syed Qurban Ali Shah. That wall became district twelve (UP) and was among the nobles there. Sufi Manish Raees
Birth: Hazrat waris ali adorned the universe in Dewa in 1232 AH. Childhood Trauma: Your mother Majda passed away before you reached the age of majority. Your father passed away before you were born.
Education: When you were five years old, your regular education began. He started going to school, he memorized the Quran at the age of seven.
Childhood: Feelings of love and affection used to roam in forests and deserts from childhood. Your heart didn’t seem to be in the city.
Allegiance and Caliphate: You are the follower and caliph of your brother-in-law Hazrat Syed Khadim Ali Shah. Your follower Murshid used to stay in Lucknow. Besharat: One night you saw in a dream that Peer Murshid was saying to you That: “Travel”.
Tourism: After receiving the order of peer Murshid, he said goodbye to his beloved country. Came to Jaipur from Deva. Ajmer Sharif from Jaipur appeared in the court of Gharib Nawaz. When you wanted to enter Astana, the person who was sitting at the door told you that it is against etiquette to enter wearing shoes. You took off the shoe right there and then you didn’t wear it for the rest of your life. Hazrat waris ali shah came from Ajmer Sharif. From Bombay to Jeddah. He reached Makkah on 29th Shaban 1253 AH. After performing Hajj, he went to Medina. Stayed there for a few days, then set off on a journey. After traveling to Bait-ul-Maqdis, Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad, Kazmin, Najaf Ashraf, Karbala-e-Mali, Iran, Constantinople and meeting the Dervishes, he reached Mecca. After completing Hajj, he went to Africa.
Returning home, you find that the house has been destroyed and your belongings are occupied by your relatives. They were worried that you might take back property etc. and possibly take legal action. You were hurt by the disbelief and disloyalty of these people, and you did not consider it appropriate to stay longer in the country.
Hazrat waris ali shah traveled again and adorned various places in the vicinity. You used to wander in forests, deserts and mountains and observe nature.
Death: On 26 March 1905 according to 9 Muharram Al-Haram 1323 AH, he complained of cold. A day before his death, he said to one of his followers: “We will leave tomorrow at four o’clock in the morning.” He died on 12 April 1905 according to 30 Muharram Al-Haram 1323 AH. Mercy has become attached to the truth. The Anwar Deva at the shrine is the source of grace and blessings.
Circle of interest: Your circle of interest is very wide. Your special followers are as follows: Sultan Abdul Majeed (girl), Sheikh Mazhar Ali Shamsuddin, Badam Shah Mian.
Jahangir Shah, Justice Maulvi Sharafuddin.
Biography: Hazrat waris ali shah is not married. You were not in need of property, furniture, etc. They used to rule in poverty. Saber was Shakir and Mustaghni. Rupees did not touch money. If someone offered you a gift, you would give him something better, forgiveness was your watchword, you did not like any kind of ride. Tange, Baghi, did not sit in the train and in the plane, because of weakness, the clouds sat unwillingly in the palanquin.
Hazrat waris ali shah was strictly committed to the Sunnah. You toured a lot, food was very little, ate once a week for periods, then started eating on the third day. Due to weakness, he used to eat a little every day or two. Shed used to eat very eagerly. After eating, wash your hands. Ever since you started putting on Ihram, then after reaching Karbala, you decided not to sleep on a throne or a bed, and you remained committed to it for the rest of your life.
Teachings: You say: “A woman whose husband is present and lives with him does not care about food and drink and her needs. The husband takes care of it by himself. Then when God is near to him from Jabal Al-Warid, then man takes care of his own needs.” Why worry about sustenance”.
Once it was mentioned that it has been mentioned in Hadith Sharif that among the seventy-three sects, women are the best and one is Naji. After hearing that the numbers of envy are better, he said, “Only the faction that is beyond the limit is the savior.”
Sayings: Some of your sayings are presented, which are as follows. He who trusts in God, God helps him. Love Kurds 2-0 Do not spread your hands in front of anyone Islam is another thing and faith is another thing. 04 Avoid praise 5 There is no arrangement in love. 6 Allah, what do you do? – Just like providing sustenance to the servants, the glory of Allah is the Lordship
In the same way, the continuation of the name of Allah is the expression of worship of the servants. Without the remembrance of love, there is nothing. Is. The definition of true Tawheed in Mashrab Ishq is that he negates the realization of his own existence in such a way that the entity placed in front of the entity is lost and annihilated, and after death, he is blessed with that closeness and connection with Hazrat Ahadith, who has eternal life and survival. Sarmadi says, in fact, the monotheist is the one whose end returns to the first and becomes as it was before it happened. It is bad. 3. A righteous disciple is one who considers the place of the foot to be free from defects. 14- The success of the disciple depends on his grace. The center of healing is education and love. What deviates from it is bad and what remains is successful. In fact, a murid is one whose foot is meant to be a murid. Everyone says Darya. 19 0 Man becomes dumb and full in love,
And Medical Benefits: Below are some other medical benefits mentioned by you:
For the elimination of narrow-handedness: You say, 21 He who recites with confirmation or Basit, does not remain narrow-handed.
Darood Sharif: You say that it is better to read Darood Sharif, you emphasized to read Alham, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Ali Muhammad and Barak.
Durood Taj: A needy person explained his condition to you, you said. On the 23rd of the night, after two rak’ahs of Nafl prayer, read Durood Taj and go to sleep, but every rak’ah
Reciting Surah Takhir seven times in 24 and asking for patience. Shughal Sultan Al-Azkar: You taught your particular murids “Sultan Al-Azkar”.
Karamat: When you were going to perform Hajj for the first time, you took the journey only on the trust of God. You were starving for many days on the ship because some people did not have a way. While the ship was moving, the boy stopped in the sea. The captain of the ship was a Muslim.
The people are hungry and you eat when you are full, it is his misfortune.” The captain of the ship was worried. He thought of a plan to invite all the passengers. All the passengers participated in the feast, but you did not participate. Second. In the night, the captain of the ship had the same dream, he again invited all the passengers. They did not participate this time. Now the captain of the ship got the same good news for the third time, this time he invited everyone again and had the same idea. So that no guest was left, he took the register and attended to all the passengers. Now he was oppressed that one passenger was absent. He looked for you and
Food served, you ate, the ship departed. On Arabi Pasha’s overthrow of Khedive Misr and Khedive Egypt’s assistance to the British, the British government ordered Indian troops to Egypt, Ali Muhammad Khan Risaldar appeared in his service and recounted the long journey.
You said Ali Muhammad! If you are in the water, then we are with you, if you are in the fire, then we are with you, and if you are on a thousand kos, then we are with you.”
You heard this and said to Ali Muhammad Khan Risaldar, Ali Muhammad Egyptian knives are good, why Ali Muhammad! If an Indian
if Afar does a prominent job somewhere, the Queen will do it for her sake, the Wilayat is good
Shahr hai, now you go.” All the bravery shown by the Indian troops in Egypt, the Egyptian troops were defeated, Ali Muhammad Khan Risaldar was sent to England as a reward for his services, Queen Victoria held him in high esteem, when Ali When Muhammad Khan Risaldar returned, a knife from Egypt
Annual urs of waris ali Shah celebrated every year.