Hazrat Khaja Banda Nawaz Gesudaraz Powerful Master 1 Rh

 Hazrat Khaja Banda Nawaz Gesudaraz Rh (Gulbarga)                       

khaja banda nawaz
photo by quadeer

Hazrat Khaja banda Nawaz was born in Delhi. Hazrat was born in Delhi under the real name Syed Mohammed Gesu Daraz. Sadar Uddin was his title name. 

 Hazrat was born to Syed Yousuf Hussaini alias Shah Raju qatal Hussaini. Hazrat Syedna Imam Hussain ibn Ali is the Hazrat’s lineage.

Hazrat was a caliph and spritual following of hazrat nasiruddin mahmud chirag Dehlavi Rh.

Khaja Banda Nawaz was a follower and friend of Hazrat Nairuddin Chiragh Devi, a Sufi saint from Delhi. Hazrat Chiragh dehlavi was the one who took the Chishti Chain to South India. Hazrat settled down in Gulbarga at the invitation of Tajuddin Feroz, Bahamani grand Turk. His family moved to Daulatabad, Deccan (Maharashtra) at the age of 4. He visited Gulbarga (Deccan) in 1397 at the invitation of Grand Turk Tajuddin Feroz, who was crowned his head.

Hazrat, a young man, came to the city in order to receive his education and coaching from Nasiruddin Chiragh. Hazrat Kethli and Hazrat Tajuddin Bashir were also avid students of Hazrat Abdul Muqtadir. He was once a teacher at many places, including Mewath and Gwalior, Chander and Aircha, Chatra and Chanderi, Chanderi and Miandhar. He also died in Gulbarga during the year Gregorian calendar months 1422.

He was also known by his patronymic name Abul-Fatah. His title was Gaisu Daraz. Hazrat was referred to as Khwaja Banda Nawaz Gesu daraz by theologians and learners.

Khaja Banda Nawaz had the disposition to take care of other people and not just himself. He will therefore be prone to give identical items to both poor and needy people at once. His teacher, Nasir Uddin Churag Dehlavi, has given him the title of Gesu Daraz.

He was active in Delhi for 40 years as a teacher and preacher of Islam. His mother instructed him to marry at the age of 40. These are the details of his children and grandchildren. Two sons. 2. Three daughters. He was moved to Doulatabad with his parents and family on 11th November 1398 A.D. Khaja Sahib was 80 at the time. He and his family travelled from Bahdurpur and Gwalior to Doulatabad.

Many thousand of his devotees welcomed him and greeted his ascent through the Indian cities. According to historical documents, Khaja Sahib was able to be advised by his disciples to find his final resting spot in Doulatabad, near his father’s grave. This was due to Sultan Feroz Shah Bahmani inviting him to visit.

He arrived in Gulbarga in the year 1400 A.D. His shrine is on the west side of Gulbarga’s fort. He had previously spent some time there but, due to differences with the Sultan, he moved to the area where his tomb is now.

Khaja Sahib spent 22 years in Gulbarga preaching, teaching and writing Islamic books. He died in Gulbarga on the 16th Ziqad of the year 825 Hijri. His disciples advised him to be buried in Khuldabad. However, he was buried at Gulbarga because of an unknown reason. Works. Khaja Sahib wrote many books. It is not known how many books he authored. According to records, he has written a total number of 105 books. He has written 125 books, as mentioned in the text “Alkwaraq”. It is mentioned in 36 books of the book Sair Mohammedi’.

Many books have been written by him, in which he discusses the following topics.

  • Knowledge of the exegesis of Quran
  • Traditions of Allah’s final prophet
  • Fiqah (Islamic Jurisprudence)
  • Kalam (speech)
  • Sufism
  • Poetry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Banda Nawaz wrote about 195 books in Arabic and Persian. Recent compilations of his magnum opus, Tafseermultaqat, were able to be compiled into one book. For instruction in Deccan, an Indian branch of Urdu, he also wrote a book about the Prophet of Islam called ‘Miraj al Ashiqin’. This vernacular was first used by Sufis. Later centuries saw many more Sufi saints from South India expand upon it.

He also wrote many treatises about Ibn Arabi (and Suhrawardi) that made these works accessible to Indian scholars. This helped influence later mystical thought. Other books authored are ‘Qaseeda Amali’ and ‘Adaab-ul-Mureedein.’ Books. Tafseer-e-Qu’rane-e-Majeed Multaqit Havashi Kashaf Shairah-e-Mashareq Shairah Fiqah-e-Akbar Shairah Adab-Ul-Murideen Shairah Ta-arruf Risala Sirat-ul-Nabi Tarjuma Mashareq Ma-Arif Tarjuma Awarif Sharah Fasoosul Hukm Tarjuma Risala Qerya Hawa Asahi Quwwat-ul-Qalb In addition to the above subjects, he was much interested in poetry. He has discussed the subjects and matters of Irfani, which is the intimate knowledge of Allah, and Natiya, which is the encomium on the holy prophet.


The following was very important in education.

 Peer (religious Teacher.)

Murid (disciple).

His words.

The disciple can see Nazar of Allah in his spiritual master’s heart, while the Peer can see him within his Murid (disciple). Khaja Sahib further explained that while the sun’s reflection can be seen in the water, it is not visible on the wall. The Peer (spiritual master), is like water. If the wall is kept close to water, the sun’s reflection on the wall will be due to the water’s nearness. These are the things Khaja banda nawaz Sahib considers important. Tazkia Nafas is purification of the mind. 2. Tawajha nam (attention). He explained that Tazkia nam (purification of the mind) can be achieved by decreasing four things.

  1. Eat less.
  2. Talk less.
  3. Sleep less.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

There are fewer contacts. Toraja Nam (attention), will have no restrictions on what belongs to Ghair Khuda (other Than Allah). Khaja banda nawaz Saheb says maraqaba (meditation.) It is the source of knowledge, and it is also the way to achieve the goal. He explained that maraqaba’s literal meaning is “riding” on a camel to get his friend. Its Istalahi meaning means to be present with one person before his friend, and to have good hopes of meeting his friend. The theory of love.

Every year, annual urs Shareef of khaja banda nawaz celebrations are held. Lakhs of people attend the urs ceremony.

Many universities and colleges are located in Hazrat.

Hazrat Khaja banda Nawaz RH has written some famous books.

Wajud ul Arifeen

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