Hazrat Khaki Shah Amazing master 1

Hazrat Khaki Shah

khaki shah
hussain sagar

Born in Hyderabad, Hazrat Shah Abdul Qadir was a follower of Ling band who was the Caliph of Hazrat Aminuddin Ali Aala. During his lifetime, Hyderabad was under Shahi rule. Dream was the pledge of Mubariz Khan. His house was on the northeast side of Hussain Sagar.

Often lived in a state of absorption. In the southern side of Hussain Sagar, the eunuchs used to live in Bangkha (a place where different people gather) and then go back to their homes. His servants used to accompany him from the barn to the side of the pond and leave him and go to his house. Once the two servants started hiding behind the stones while they were going to see that they were full. He saw that you walked a little distance and got into the water and started walking on the water like someone walking on land. Both the other Danes narrated yesterday’s incident to you.

You went home that day from the kitchen and did not come back. You had no children. He passed away on 2 Rajab. Before wisal, you had bequeathed not to bathe, but when a little water was poured on the foot with the intention of bathing, it became like clay. Ever since he was known as “khaki Shah”. He was buried at the place of residence. Hussain Sagar and his tomb is there.

Annual urs of hazrat khaki shah is Celebrated every year.

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