Hazrat syed shah azam ali sufi True master 1

syed shah azam ali sufi

Hazrat was Born in  Hyderabad. His surname was Abu Abad and his title was Soofi Azam. Your father was the teacher of Nawab Khurshid Jah Bahadur. He received allegiance and caliphate from his father. He was Jalil-ul-Qadr of the family of Aliya Qadriyah, apart from exegesis, hadith and jurisprudence, he was a well-known scholar of Sufism and the best and best in memory. During his time Manvi Maulana used more poems of maulana rumi.

Azam ali sufi
Azam ali sufi

The ancestral residence was At  kabutar khana hussaini alam, and here hazrat preached till late in Muharram, Rabi al-Awwal and Rabi al-Thani. Besides, he used to pray every year on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Ala in Badshahi Ashura Khana, where the audience used to listen to Urdu.

He prayed in many mosques of Hyderabad. He also excelled in the art of medicine and his memory was very strong. He said that there is a prescription for his son in death. He turned the pages of different books, but when he found them, did you look at such and such a page in the said book, when he found that copy in the said book, he spent two years around the audience and stayed in Medina.

The Arab teachers went to me “Azam” was inspired by his knowledge and mastery of the Arabic language, and he was called Sayyed al-Sufiyyah. He was also a saint by authoring and compiling. The bimonthly magazine “Sufi Azam” and women were worshiped. Sufi was a pseudonym. His words A collection of “Summary Facts” was published in 1333 H. He passed away on 25 Rajab AH 19 A.H.

He was buried outside  next to his father. About 25 years after his death, he was cremated near the shrine. So the shroud began to be seen which was in perfect condition. The present Sajjada Nashin is his son Hazrat Maulvi Syed Shujauddin Ali Sufi from his grandson Hazrat Maulvi Syed.
 Shah Azam Ali Sufi informed. Hazrat Azam Ali Sufi was Wali Allah.

Urs anniversary is celebrated every year by the sajjada nasheen Moulana zaheeruddin ali sufi sahab.

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